The truth, and you can't tell me otherwise...
Cruis'n USA slapped different after pizza
The Rich Stayed In Plastic Bubbles, While Everyone Else Used Masks
MrBeasts videos are starting to get out of hand
I put this text here because it looked like it lived there?
Ask me any question about the Earth, I'll answer the worst way possible!
Now the permanently image burned into my mind. I saw both photos in various places. However, it finally clicked that they do lo…
This is the most ambitious crossover since "Tarzan vs King Kong"!
saw a different meme and it gave me an idea.
Over educated with correct pronunciation
Ok serious question. I’m having a baby and if it’s w boy I really want to name it Seraphim. You ok with that? DEAD serious.
I gave an AI the prompt: r/memes. Accurate or no?
When a Zash CEO says "We Won" means BBIG to f*cken pluto
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